An Interrupted place

An Interrupted Place


The city has been an uninterrupted place in my life. I am in love with urban places and this was confirmed with me as I travelled. Maybe it’s a connection with the street, its art, architecture and access. The ease and connivance of high density living. And it is from this urban forest I have taken the basic elements for these works. Not just the flotsam and jetsam of life to be reused, but also inspiration from form, colour and texture.

The ideas for an interrupted place, begun while I was artist in residency at Sturt Craft Centre in Mittagong, I had struggled with reconciling this beautiful semi-rural place. I was alone in a studio, and felt it keenly. I noticed the distance from my city life and I looked at how I could connect the two.

This Place and this Time is a constant inspiration for art, I struggle to think of an example of art that excludes being made in a place and at a time. With an interrupted place I tried to keep this uninterrupted idea at the front while I made.

I collect stones from the street and stick’s fallen after storms, as I wonder around. These become the materials and elements in this series. The stuff I collect filters through the process, and is interrupted.

There is a place inside the studio where the playful nature of making extinguishes any hope of design. It is a comforting lacuna of process. And is a place when studio, collected materials and accumulated technique explode into personal creativity. At these moments, there is no interrupted place between outcome and process, material and concept. During these moments, I come alive and at one with my studio. The studio ceases to be combative and becomes a productive collaborator. And the making is easy and uninterrupted.


Felix Gill